Tag Archives: big butts

Big Booty Syndrome

Big Booty Syndrome

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It is in every video, on every magazine cover, and every man’s mind right now as we speak-Miss thick and Juicy or Miss big booty Judy!

Walk into any Sports Club, gym, or YMCA, and count the number of black females working out. The number can probably be counted on one hand. Some may call it a superficial thing, but to men, it is a must-have on their list of what makes black woman attractive.


The  first problem with the big booty syndrome in the black community is that the women assume having a big butt also means allowing other parts of her body big as well. The next problem with the big butt syndrome is a black man’s obsession with it, which often leads black women to become overweight. And sometimes, that obsession will most often cause him to overlook other things that signal unhealthy in a woman.

anythign for that ass                                             big butt s

Even school age girls worry that they are too skinny or not “thick” enough to gain a boy’s attention. What this syndrome has created in society is an overweight generation of big butt big black women. Most of us rarely work out, walk, or even practice healthy eating habit. While some want to lose the weight, most don’t see it as a concern, until high blood pressure, heart-failure, and the most popular among blacks, diabetes threatens their quality of life.


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Big Butt syndrome also leads to butt injections!

I wish more of us would put our energy on losing the big butt rather than maintaining unhealthy weight in an effort to appeal to men. What woman will find is in her effort to improve her quality of life by beginning an aerobic and anaerobic program is that her butt will actually begin to look like a butt instead of just a bigger part of her already too big body.

no butt

Not THIS….but

Black men have the power to turn this syndrome around by not accepting every big butt that turns them on, but in essence, transfer his attraction to what looks healthy. Big butts exist in healthy women, but a man has to be willing to accept smaller parts of her body as well.

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For more information on black women health please follow the link below:


Drea yaya